Phishing Training

Phishing Training

Train your employees to protect your business against phishing attacks and other email threats.

Phishing is a deceptive practice where cybercriminals masquerade as trusted entities and craft legitimate-looking emails that encourage recipients to reveal sensitive data, such as login credentials, financial details, or personal data. For businesses, the risks are substantial: a single successful phishing attack can lead to significant financial losses, data breaches, compromised business networks and operations, and damage to the organisation’s reputation.

To combat these threats, Nextro partnered with Fortinet to offer our clients exclusive security awareness and phishing training services.

Nextro’s FortiPhish Training Services

Nextro’s FortiPhish service is a phishing simulation service to test your employees against real-world phishing techniques identified by FortiGuard Labs, Fortinet’s elite cybersecurity threat intelligence and research organisation.

With phishing testing as part of your broader security awareness program, your employees can learn to recognise, avoid, and report email-based cyber threats, including phishing, impersonation, Business Email Compromise, and ransomware.

Phishing Training for employees

Get the benefits of Nextro’s FortiPhish Training:

  • Tests the ability of users to identify potential email-borne threats through realistic phishing simulations.
  • Assesses employee fallibility, vigilance, and improvement across campaigns.
  • Teaches employees to know how to spot, avoid, and report potential threats.
  • Track employee progress and improvement across multiple phishing campaigns to ensure continual growth in their cyber awareness.
  • Administrators can then identify users who may need extra training to become familiar with your organisation’s anti-phishing efforts.

Nextro Security Awareness & Phishing Training Services

Nextro - Security Awareness and Phishing Training

Nextro’s Security Awareness and Phishing Training services deliver high-quality, engaging, and interactive security awareness training designed to create a cyber-aware workforce while, at the same time, being sensitive to the time and productivity demands organisations have on employees.

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