Genetec Clearance: Simplify video evidence management with export automation  

Most organisations have established protocols for managing video footage related to incidents that affect their operations, regardless of whether they are security or non-security-related.  

Efficient video-evidence management protocols help organisations enhance their operational efficiency, reduce the risk of errors, and improve the overall safety of their operations.  

Genetec Security Center and Clearance allow companies to automate evidence exports and simplify their video-managing processes, improving compliance with regulations and protocols.  

In this blog post, we will explore 4 simple ways to use Security Center and Clearance and take your video evidence management tasks to the next level.  

Safeguard event-related video 

Organisations must comply with different laws and policies governing security and non-security incidents to protect themselves from fines, liability, and other consequences. 

Genetec Clearance™ can simplify how organisations store video and customise retention rules to follow these policy requirements. 

Based on the type of alarm and its environment, your organisation will have different considerations regarding how to handle event-related videos. This may involve sharing it with stakeholders outside of the security and operation team, retaining these recordings beyond the surveillance system’s standard retention schedule, and ensuring redundancy and protection to mitigate the potential loss of data evidence. 

Automate video preservation policies 

To export recordings from Genetec Security Center to Clearance, operators must select a clip and send it to a case. However, this process can be impractical when there’s a high frequency of alarms when an operator is unavailable. Adding event-to-action triggers in the Security Center allows you to automate export and case creation within Clearance and have a fully integrated solution. 

The functionality is available through the Clearance plugin and uses the pre-existing event-to-action feature in the Security Center. Your organisation can add to your existing alarms configuration to export recordings to Clearance. The functionality uses Security Center alarms as the event triggers, and events can be associated based on cameras, doors, zones, and alarm panels. 

Common challenges of managing video evidence 

Here are four ways to improve video evidence management by using event-to-actions. 

1. Overcome short-term retention policies: 

Certain jurisdictions mandate short Archiver retention periods on their CCTV system. This poses a problem when the periods are so limited that it can impact the security team’s ability to retrieve the evidence in time. Using event-to-action, recordings are automatically sent to Clearance when an alarm is triggered. Once in the app, customers can categorise the evidence, which sets forth specific retention policies. 

2. Ensure redundancy of critical recordings: 

Recordings kept onsite can be at risk of being destroyed if the recorder is damaged. An example of this is panic button incidents. These commonly happen in stores, buildings, and transit vehicles. The button protects employees’ and clients’ safety, while the automatic export of the recording to the cloud protects the recording’s availability through a backup to an offsite location.  

3. Share records when required: 

Organisations are required to maintain records of certain activities that may need to be reviewed by other parties, whether for security, compliance, or audit purposes. For instance, refineries and gas distribution plants must keep track of all cases of flare failure based on thermal detection or photos taken at short intervals. Each event must be retained and made available if there is an audit by environmental agency inspectors.  

4. Minimise human error: 

Regardless of the type of alarm, human error is a significant risk factor that can lead to missed event data. This is particularly true for organisations with high turnover rates and need to train new hires to mitigate this risk. Automating video export eliminates the potential for mistakes and reduces the degree of onboarding required. 

Nextro is a New Zealand-based security integrator and Genetec Unified Elite Partner. If you want to learn more about how Nextro can help you design a new security system or optimise your existing Genetec deployment, please get in touch  here.